Month: March 2006

Thoughts for the Day – 22 march 2006

Read in order to live. – Gustave Flaubert The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read. – Ben Franklin Learn as much by writing as by reading – Lord Acton I found these quotes in some form or another while shopping last weekend […] Read more…

Weird Thought

In the winter, every bit of moisture that falls from the sky remains here in the form of snow but the air gets much drier. I find it interesting that there is a time where water becomes dry… Read more…

Satisfying Day

Yesterday was an immensely satisfying day. I lounged around in bed for quite some time, enjoying the sun that has FINALLY decided to reveal itself while snuggled under the toasty, cozy blankets… We ate a leisurely breakfast and listened to our birds before we went for a walk in the relatively warm sunshine. It was […] Read more…


We went to Bones’ grandparents house today. They were very glad to see us (as always) and while we were there, we watched old videotapes made from 8mm that they had taken of his mom and her brothers and sisters. I was struck by how different things were back then. They were tapes of their […] Read more…


Welcome to my most recent attempt to keep a web log. If your web journey led you here, I hope you enjoy your visit, or at the very least, learn something new. Read more…