Month: May 2006

Books on my mind…

I’ve been having a amazing literary adventures this year. I’ve read the book “The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life” and have been taking it’s advice. I’ve read some excellent books this year. I was enthralled with “Memoirs of a Geisha.” The description of the book was just phenomenal. The author did a wonderful job […] Read more…

Indonesia Trip – Day 2

On our second day in Indonesia, we stayed in Jakarta. Tony had secured us a private driver for the day to take us wherever we wanted to go. I think it was only about 540,000Rup, but we gave him 600,000Rup (about $60). The first thing we did was go to Taman Mini. I LOVED Taman […] Read more…

5k training update…

I beat my previous first mile record by 10 seconds to 12:30 on Friday afternoon. I skipped training on Saturday but started back up with week 3 today. I knocked 30 seconds for a 1st mile time of 12:00. Now, my lungs have adapted to running but my legs are my limiting factor. All in […] Read more…

Indonesia Trip – Transit/Day 1

We’ve flown several airlines over the last few years… Northwest, United, Continental, American, Air France, and China Airlines to name those I remember. I’d have to say that Continental is my favorite domestic airline thus far and that China Airlines was better than Air France. Al might not agree because the flight home was on […] Read more…

Best time ever!

I’ve been training for a 5k by the guidelines I found in a book called ‘Running for Women’ (great book by the way) and I ran/walked my best mile ever today! Last week I was at about 17:30 per mile.   Monday evening, I had a 13:00 minute mile and today was 12:40!!!    I can’t wait to […] Read more…

Indonesia Trip – preface

Well, after telling everyone at work and various friends about our trip, I realized that it’s really best to start at the beginning and talk about the interesting things I noticed on that day… That being said, there are some large sweeping generalizations that need to be addressed about the trip and traveling in general. […] Read more…