Month: December 2006

my hometown…

I REALLY don’t like my hometown. It’s evil. I feel it everytime I go there. It’s not outwardly, obviously evil like a Stephen King novel, but evil in a “morally wrong and no one cares or sees any problem with it” kind of way. That’s a whole different post/tyrade. Given that the town is also […] Read more…

Goal for the new year? Live my mission statement.

“Goals that are not written down are just wishes.”? I’m not sure who said it, but I like it.  I tend to create/revisit goals about every 3 months; when the seasons change, I become reinvigorated.  — Is that a word? I was going to write out my goals but I’ve decided not to. They basically […] Read more…

gluttony at Christmas

Somehow it seems wrong to have a whole country full of people partaking in gluttony in celebration of the birth of Christ.   I couldn’t even resist (nor did I try, to tell the truth).    I was right back where I started on Tuesday after 4 straight days of sitting & eating – 159. But, on […] Read more…


I am thankful to God who has given me an ABUNDANCE of things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my husband, who is kind, loves me, dotes on me and finds me completely irresistable and supports ANYTHING I want to do (and even some I don’t want to do but should do). I […] Read more…


Well, as you can see by the ticker at the bottom, I’m starting to get the hang of how the exchanges work. These were my numbers as of Monday, 12/18. Lucky for me, it’s that lovely time of month when, among other things, I have NO desire to eat anything. Just in time for Christmas […] Read more…


Last Monday’s weigh-in was NOT what I had anticipated.  I actually gained .5 lbs after being down 1.5 in the middle of the week.   I completely blew it on the weekend. I decided that this week I need a PLAN for the weekend so that I don’t wander through my kitchen wondering what I should […] Read more…

so far so good…

Well, so far, I haven’t gained. Until yesterday, I was at a 1.5 lb loss. After re-reading my CR (food journal, among other things) I realized I consumed a TON of calories from drink – large pop from subway, a can of pop, 2 glasses of Tang… Bummer. Otherwise, I didn’t do so bad yesterday […] Read more…

Trying something new…

With the onset of fall, I somehow became mired in a knee-depth depression.  Nothing major but annoying and de-motivating, nonetheless.   During this wonderful time, I managed to gain 10 lbs.   I, frankly, do not have the desire/motivation to do this on my own and I am also being pretty cheap and lazy lately.   I’ve decided […] Read more…