Month: January 2007


Well, I’m about 6 weeks into, as I have lovingly referred to it, religious fat camp.   And, surprise, surprise — I’ve fallen off of the wagon. I did very well with eating until Christmas and then lost it between Christmas & New Years.   Then 1/2, I started working with my personal trainer — interesting […] Read more…

Has the line between sexy & cute been blurred?

I’ve been pondering this for several weeks now and it came to a peak last week.   I was wearing a fairly moderate business suit — no cleavage but skirt came down to just above the knees.   Add to this moderate suit, 4 inch black knee-high microfiber boots.   Grand total of skin showing?   6-9 inches around […] Read more…

R.I.P. Hedley Lamar

Our dearly beloved peach-faced lovebird, Hedley Lamar, died around 7:00pm today. Her goodnight bell ring will be much missed. She was the smartest bird we ever owned–she figured out how to get out of her cage within days. Hedley taught our budgie how to sound like her and always announced Al’s arrival home. Though […] Read more…

Personal training & the creeping crud

I had my first session with my personal trainer Tuesday (1/2). I knew that a personal trainer would push me farther than I would ever push myself. I also knew that I would hurt and I was right–I couldn’t really move until Friday. On the plus side, I can now see my biceps and shoulders […] Read more…