Month: September 2008

The Rosary in 40 Days – 2 of 8

This was originally posted at another blog of mine that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. How to Say The Rosary 1. While holding the crucifix, make the sign of the cross & then say the […] Read more…

Converting Abortionists Through Prayer

This was originally posted at another blog of mine that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. This great blog post from’s Catholicism Blog talks about Human Life International‘s St Michael prayer campaign. This is a […] Read more…

Money Monday – Homemade Taco Hamburger Helper

This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Money Mondays is moving to Thrifty Thursday. Due to obligations on Mondays, I just don’t have time to write/post. […] Read more…


This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Over the summer, I have driven past several places who were moving or remodeling who had to buy dumpsters […] Read more…

Money Monday – Link Love Edition

This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. This week is going to be a link love edition of Money Monday. Here are some of my favorite […] Read more…

The Rosary in 40 Days – 1 of 8

This was originally posted at another blog of mine that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Like any good Catholic, I try to pray the rosary at least once in a while. I’ve found that at […] Read more…

40 Days for Life starts 9.24.08

This was originally posted at another blog of mine that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. 40 Days for Life starts this Wednesday, 9.24. I’ve never done it before, but I am going to this year. […] Read more…

Family Fun Friday – National Talk Like a Pirate Day

This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Every year on 9.19 is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Yes, it even has an official website. According […] Read more…

Bradley Teacher class delayed

This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. Due to my husband and daughter getting sick (along with various other circumstances), I am postponing my Bradley Teacher […] Read more…

Money Monday – Coupons

This was originally posted at another blog of mine ( that I have deleted.   I have combined all my blogs into this one for the sake of simplicity in my already busy life.   Jen – 6/13/09. People all over the web talk about coupons like they are the end all, be all of saving money […] Read more…

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