Month: February 2009

Frugal Friday – Link Love – Coupons + Sales

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 This is the coupon and cooking link love edition of Frugal Friday. My favorite websites for deal searching. Refund Cents Retail Me Not Hot Coupon World These blogs are my […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #11

Thanks to Jen @ for hosting!! –1– I’ve hit a point in my life that I haven’t hit in a very long time.   I lost my mind this week.   I just need to get away from it all.    We’ve been living in VERY close quarters with a very active and (selectively) needy 1 year […] Read more…

Small Successes #3

Boy will it be tough to come up with 3 this week. 1. I didn’t scream AT anyone nor did I say all the mean & sarcastic things floating around in my head. 2. I told al what I needed with a bare minimum of tears (I hate to cry). 3. I made the less […] Read more…

What’s on YOUR Nightstand? – Feb. 09

It’s time again for the What’s on Your Nightstand? Carnival on 5 Minutes for Books. I adore reading so this is my favorite site.   I meant to do one in January but in the move, I missed it.   I really haven’t done much reading these last two months–not of the book variety anyway :). I […] Read more…

Coupon Craziness #6

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 This week, I only went to Walgreens.   CVS didn’t have enough Revlon stuff that I wanted to hit the $20 and my ECB’s were in no danger of expiring so […] Read more…

Planning Your Wardrobe

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 At first glance, having a wardrobe plan or having your colors done seems like something rich people do.   It just isn’t something for us regular joes.   I’m here to tell […] Read more…

Lenten Sacrifice – Lent 2009

This year I’m doing something entirely different for Lent.   Usually I give up something food related, mostly because, well, I REALLY like food.    And I shouldn’t be eating many of the things I eat and cutting it out would be good and I could stand to lose a few pounds as well :).    I read […] Read more…

Winn-Dixie Deals

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 I did manage to do pretty good here on just the sales.   I bought: 6 eggs – $1.19 8 Starkist Tuna in Water – $1.00 each (10/$10 sale) 2 Hunt’s […] Read more…

Gratituesday #1

I just love how people on the internet make me do things that make me get back to basics.   Thanks to for hosting GratiTuesday.   Read what more people are grateful for here. I am grateful for: my beautiful and healthy baby girl who now sleeps by herself and is intensely independent my wonderful husband […] Read more…

Publix Deals

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 For my lenten sacrifice, instead of giving up a food item (though I probably should), I’m going to curtail my bargain hunting.   It has become all-consuming and a time-waster all […] Read more…

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