Month: July 2009

No Spend Month Progress – Week 1

We knew that the 4th and the festival were this weekend so we figured we’d spend more this week and a half than in the last 2-1/2 weeks. July 1 – none July 2 – spent: $55.96    left: $344.04 Groceries – $50.47–(all basics and stock ups…no treats unless you count the cinnamon roll raincheck […] Read more…

Small Successes #9

Lil’ Bit hasn’t been feeling well (stuffy noses & nursing kids = no fun) which has caused me to get back to basics. Decluttering my day, so to speak. So without further ado, my small successes. 1. I’ve kept the kitchen clean for 2 days in a row–stove, counter, sink & all! 2. I’ve stuck […] Read more…

WFMW – Stinky Garbage Disposal

I am terrible about my garbage disposal.   I’ve never had one before and do a terrible job on upkeep.    To keep your garbage disposal from getting smelly, NEVER put meat or grease down it.    I don’t think it breaks down as easily.    Also, after you use it, be sure to run a good amount of […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #16

Well, I didn’t think that I’d get to this today but Lil’ Bit is napping and Bones is listening to an audiobook.   And I’m sick of reading.  For now. 1. I got a box of books from a publisher that prints primarily Catholic books.   Lovely books and I’m 3/4 of the way through the one […] Read more…

Pineapple Zucchini Bread

photo by moria I got this recipe from Taste of Home.  I’ve almost never had a recipe fail from those folks.   Good stuff! 2 eggs 2 cups sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon […] Read more…

Small Successes #8

#1 – I’ve made sure to use up what we had in the fridge.    I made bread to use up leftover fruit and put extra in the freezer.   I made stir-fry to use up the veggies before they go bad.   I’m a notorious food waster :(. #2 – I cleaned up the kitchen yesterday, loaded […] Read more…

No Spend Month

This month, we are joining Small Notebook in her 3rd annual no-spend month.   We’re setting our budget for the month a little higher than hers since I know there are a few things we needed that I haven’t bought yet; we didn’t prepare like she did with full gas tanks, etc.    Our July budget is […] Read more…

Book Review – Green Beauty Guide

The cover of The Green Beauty Guide says it all.    Your Essential Resource to Organic and Natural Skin Care, Hair Care, Makeup and Fragrances.    The effects synthetic products have on you.    Organic makeup, moisturizers and hair care.   Shortcuts to going green without going broke.   How to spot organic frauds and gimmicks.   She covers all that […] Read more…

WFMW – Reducing Waste

I’ve been reading Stephanie’s @ Keeper of the Home‘s e-book Healthy Homemaking.    I’ve really not skimmed the whole thing yet which is kind of surprising because that’s pretty much my style…skim then re-read SLOWLY.    Anyway, I’m spending a lot of time on this first baby step because between reading a bunch of books (including Animal, […] Read more…

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