Month: August 2009

#landsend Twitter Party — with prizes!!

I haven’t had a chance to post about my shopping yet, but I just dropped some dough at LandsEnd during their summer clearance sale.   They have really great quality warm-weather clothes and layering pieces.   And when you can get it on sale or clearance or (the BEST!) free, well, how can you beat that? On […] Read more…

Menu Plan Monday #20

This week is a short and easy week.   We are going to RC to visit my family, get the van fixed, hang out at the Nautical Festival, and celebrate my b-day. Breakfasts (all include fruit) Waffles x2 Bacon/Eggs x2 Lunches will be sandwiches and salads Dinners will be stir fry.   Sweet and Sour twice and […] Read more…

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