Month: September 2009

Awesome Find of Rio Grande Games!!

My husband had to go to a dollar store (Dollar Zone, to be specific) for work last week and said he spotted some cool games but he didn’t want to buy them until I looked at them.    So we went after we cleaned out the vans  — they weren’t just ANY cool games, they were […] Read more…

Yard Sale – Conclusion & Tips

Yeah.   So we had our yard sale.  In case you missed it last time, here are our piles of junk downstairs.    And here are the piles of junk outside: I DID have this yard sale with 2 friends, but 99% of it was mine!  That tent was 20 feet long by 6 feet deep.   We […] Read more…

September – Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions

General: That the word of God may be better known, welcomed and lived as the source of freedom and joy. Mission: That Christians in Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar, who often meet with great difficulties, may not be discourage from announcing the Gospel to their brothers, trusting in the strength of the Holy Spirit. Read more…

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