Month: October 2009

November – Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Photo by Rob Dupuis I apologize if this is a little more disjointed than usual, but I felt called to include this post this week since November starts Sunday.   Contrary to popular belief, Halloween is not entirely about candy and costumes ;).   Halloween means All Hallows Eve.   Which would make November 1st is All Hallows […] Read more…

Blog Tour & Review – Swiss Courier

The Swiss Courier, by Tricia Goyer & Mike Yorkey, is a spell-binding, page-turning historical novel set in Switzerland during World War II.    After an attempt on Hitler’s life, the Gestapo steps up efforts to elimate possible enemies.  In their search, they zero in on a German scientist who is working on the atomic bomb for […] Read more…

30-Day Giving Challenge

I first heard about the 30-Day Giving Challenge on Twitter from @mommysnacks.  @KingdomFirstMom is hosting it and essentially, the  idea is that you write down everytime you feel called to give or do more than you would otherwise do or WANT to do.   Also keep track of all that you RECEIVE!   Odds are, you will […] Read more…

What’s on YOUR Nightstand? – Oct. 09

Well, I got to these items on my list from last  month: Art of Disappearing Gee, I didn’t realize I’d adjusted my plan quite so drastically!  Lest you think I didn’t read ANYTHING last month, I did add these: O2 (LitFuse) Swiss Courier (LitFuse) – review will be posted Friday I had to push back […] Read more…

Menu Plan Monday #25

Last week, I didn’t bother posting because how much fun is it to post 2 meals, 2 days of leftovers and 3 days out of town.   Really. This week, I’m only posting dinners, because frankly, I’ve got enough stuff on hand to plan for breakfast and probably lunch, too and it was hard enough to […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #20

1. I got a phone call that my keys were turned in a few hours after I posted last week.   Yeah!!! 2. Last week, I mentioned my love for bloggy giveaways.  I won another one!   This was a 6 foot play tunnel from Adventures of a Somewhat Crunchy Mama!  It came in already and Lil […] Read more…

Read-Aloud Thursday- Waldo

It’s only SORT OF a read-aloud buy my daughter is in love!   With who?   Waldo!!!   Yes, the books that were such a craze when i was in elementary school/jr high that I was never able to get my hands on one. I found the original (above) at a used book sale a few years back.  […] Read more…

WFMW – Frugal Pizza Sauce

I had a heck of a time trying to think of a post for this week and it just came to me on Sunday while cooking dinner. I save money on pizza sauce by using spaghetti sauce instead.   Making my own is NOT cheaper (unless I were to GROW my own stuff).   My favorite pizza […] Read more…

Tackle-It Tuesday – Mt. Laundry

Yes, I actually had to conquer Mt. Laundry this weekend.   I have been super busy helping Bones get his new business off the ground.   Between our personal emergency last week and moving his office into the home our routine has been all screwed up and while I DID laundry.  It was NOT put away. BEFORE: […] Read more…

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