Month: December 2009

Book Study Coming in January!

Starting in January, I will be hosting a book study of A Mother’s Rule of Life: How to Bring Order to your Life and Peace to Your Home.    I will post a new discussion each Saturday in January & February so that you have the information to reflect on as you are renewing your spirit […] Read more…

Read-Aloud Thursday

We found some super cute books at the library last week.  First up is one of my favorite board book discoveries.   It’s called Book!.  I love this book.  It’s a story about a little boy who gets a book as a present and takes it everywhere.   It is a simple little story with beautifully […] Read more…

WFMW – Three Keys to Successful Entertaining

Yesterday, I had a HUGE “Christmas” dinner for my family because my in-laws came up for a few days.   I made a ham, turkey, squash, mashed potatoes, green beans (not casserole), stuffing, and bought rolls & pies. I did 3 things to make the dinner go smoothly.   First, I made sure the kitchen was clean […] Read more…

Best Ever Bread Pudding

One of my favorite frugal foods is bread pudding.   You can only make so much garlic bread and you can’t use leftover donuts or sweet bread for it.   I save up all my bread scraps (if I get to it before they start getting moldy, that is) in a baggie in the freezer to make […] Read more…

Book Excerpt – Finding Christmas

In addition to the other two book reviews/excerpts that I have posted this week, I’m super excited to share another excerpt with you for the book Finding Christmas.   You can find the excerpt in PDF at the Revell Books website.    You can also find it on Scribd. Disclosure:  In exchange for posting excerpts of all […] Read more…

Pro-Life Prayer Intentions

Since this is the month of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, it seems especially fitting that we take a moment to pray for life. The Priests for Life prayer intention for December: That God may give eternal rest to the women who died from abortion. Their national prayer campaign also has an Advent Prayer for Life for […] Read more…

Book Review & Excerpt – The Christmas Dog

The Christmas Dog by Melody Carlson is a lovely little story about what Christmas is all about.  Betty Kowalski (probably a relation somehow :D), has become kind of sour.   Her husband passed away and her children have moved away and she has an obnoxious neighbor who seems to be tearing apart the house behind hers […] Read more…

30 Day Giving Challenge – Final Thoughts

Well, the 30 day giving challenge is over.  I wish I could say I did something giving every single day, but I didn’t.  I wish I could say that it was always well received, but it wasn’t. I did learn a lot though.   I found that God truly does provide.   I have a stinginess problem […] Read more…

December – Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions

General: That children may be respected and loved and never be the victims of exploitation in its various forms. Mission: That at Christmas the peoples of the earth may recognize in the Word Incarnate the light which illuminates every man and that the Nations may open their doors to Christ, the Saviour of the world. Read more…

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