Yesterday, I had a HUGE “Christmas” dinner for my family because my in-laws came up for a few days. I made a ham, turkey, squash, mashed potatoes, green beans (not casserole), stuffing, and bought rolls & pies.
I did 3 things to make the dinner go smoothly. First, I made sure the kitchen was clean and the dishes were washed before hand. I needed a lot of them to cook the big dinner and they were dirty from the big brunch I had on Sunday.
Second, I had a plan. I knew what I was going to book, what dish I would use and when I would cook it so that it all got warm in time for dinner.
Third, I cleaned up as I went. I know this is SO elementary that I’m really the only one who needed to be told right? Yeah, that’s what I thought. But seriously, I am the LAZIEST person in the world. And even I pull it off. I had all the dishes in the dishwasher or handwashed within an hour of finishing dinner last night and sat down to eat dessert.
How did I do that? I’ll add a freebie tip- I removed all extra junk from my kitchen. I just got rid of everything that I didn’t use, didn’t use often enough, or had multiples of for no reason. I literally dirtied EVERY DISH I OWN cooking, serving and eating yesterday. And I only filled 1-1/2 dishwashers and did a load of dishes. Did I mention that it was cleaned up in an hour? Leftovers away and everything? LESS STUFF is the key to my sanity.
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9 December 2009 at 10:41 AM (15 years ago)Great tips – that’s my kind of entertaining! 🙂
Fun to find you!