Last week (2/14/11):  162.5

This week (2/21/11): 159.5

Change: -3 lbs (-6 lbs total)

Wow!  I’ve been really busy so I haven’t been eating as much (I eat a lot out of boredom, too).  I have not done any exercise unless you count cleaning, lifting & going up & down the stairs all the time.   Can’t say that I’m sad though.  I’m 4 lbs from the smallest I’ve been in my adult life, after having 2 kids.

This post is linked to Mamavation Monday’s @ Mamavation and Winter Weight-Off @ 5 Minutes for Mom.

11 Comments on #Mamavation Monday #8

  1. Rebecca B.
    22 February 2011 at 10:43 AM (14 years ago)

    3 pounds is great!! You’re doing great – keep it up!


    jen Reply:



  2. Owen's Mom
    21 February 2011 at 6:20 PM (14 years ago)

    Fabulous! Cutting out the mindless eating/snacking can really help, and as long as you are still eating well and staying hydrated then it will stay. I hope you have another fabulous week!
    Owen’s Mom´s last blog post ..Review – Purex Complete Crystals- Softener Reinvented


    jen Reply:

    I try to eat frequently so as not to go into shut down mode :). Well, and nursing helps, too :).


  3. Laura @LoCiaravino
    21 February 2011 at 6:13 PM (14 years ago)

    Cleaning, lifting & going up & down the stairs all the time TOTALLY count! Congratulations on your loss and positive attitude! 🙂
    Laura @LoCiaravino´s last blog post ..Mamavation Monday 6


    jen Reply:

    Thanks for the kind words and for stopping by!


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