*** I apologize for those of you who were expecting to see this post a month ago.  I’ve had some pressing personal issues that prevented me from working on my blog until recently.  I will restart this series but will be posting every other week instead of every week as I originally intended — it is, after all, spring :).  Thanks!  ***



One of the things that I always seem to struggle with is having a good routine that fits in all the things I need to do while still having room for the things I WANT to do.    If you followed the Mother’s Rule of Life book study that was going on here during January & February, I will be using her guidelines as my basis for creating my Household Notebook in order to get my priorities in the right order.

To start this week, get a weekly schedule and a monthly schedule.  Many people have things that happen weekly and monthly that we need to keep track of.    If you don’t already have a weekly and monthly schedule form, take a gander at some of these free forms:

I purchased a List Plan It membership and if that is the type of thing that does it for you (I am a planner/form geek), it’s well worth it.  I find that her forms are very useful.   As an example, here are what my weekly and monthly plans look like:

When building your schedule, consider those items that happen regularly, i.e. every week, every other week, monthly, etc.  Think about the following areas of your life:

  1. Prayer
  2. Person
  3. Partner
  4. Parent
  5. Provider

To help keep your priorities in line, schedule all your prayer in first, keeping in mind your family & vocation of course.   If you go to Mass or Adoration or have a prayer group, etc. put those in first & then move down the list.   For more guidance in discerning your items & priorities, read a Mother’s Rule of Life or talk to your spiritual adviser.


Looking for more great home management tips? Check out the current e-book bundle of the week!
BundleoftheWeek.com, 5 eBooks for $7.40!

7 Comments on Building a Household Notebook – Building Schedules

  1. Susie's Homemade
    21 April 2010 at 8:21 PM (15 years ago)

    I love time management. I am an electronic girl myself but whatever works for you is what you should use:-

    I am here to welcome you to SITs! I hope you are enjoying the party:-)


  2. Alicia
    21 April 2010 at 6:47 PM (15 years ago)

    It is ironic that I just started REreading Mothers Rule Of Life and printed all of your bible study pages. I am excited to get to build my family notebook along with you! Thanks for posting!!


    jen Reply:

    thanks for stopping by — I hope they helped!


4Pingbacks & Trackbacks on Building a Household Notebook – Building Schedules

  1. […] Last time, we put in all of our out-of-the-house obligations into a schedule.  Now, it’s time to make up your daily and weekly routine.   Personally, I have both a daily routine and a weekly one.   I have things that need to be done daily such as morning offerings, reading to Lil’ Bit, loading/unloading the dishwasher, etc.   I also have a weekly routine where I divide cleaning into room by day, I have an errand day, appointment day, cleaning day, yard sale hopping day (in summer), etc.  Most things in the daily routine fit into a day despite what I have scheduled for it in the weekly routine.  In other words, it’s not a tightly packed day […]

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