This year I’m hoping to do better than last year. Traditionally, there should be prayer, fasting & almsgiving as a part of each person’s Lenten sacrifice.
Prayer & Spiritual Reading
Though I’m started early, I’m preparing (AGAIN) to be Consecrated to Jesus through Mary. I’m also going to work through Little Acts of Lent (book review to come after Easter). I’m also going to add a daily Rosary to my day & say the Stations of the Cross on Fridays. And finally, I will read the Dolorous Passion of Jesus Christ & finally watch the Passion.
Since I am nursing, I can’t do a traditional fast so I’m going to give up my weekly Coke & we will eat very basic foods during Lent using what we have in the house as much as possible.
We will finish paying our CSA for the year and resume our tithe by limiting expenditures severely.
What about you? What are your goals for Lent? Do you “take Sunday’s off?”