Month: May 2011

Baby Names

  Now that we are kind of in a groove with Itty Bitty, we are starting to think we’d be ready for another whenever it happens. Given our ability to space via breastfeeding, I’m not sure how soon it will happen, but we need to start thinking of baby names for girls pronto! I mean, […] Read more…

Free Box from ThredUp & Free Canvas Print!

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Happy Homemaker Reviews).   I consolidated them to continue to simplify my life.   – Jen  (04.2012) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Have you looked at ThredUp yet?   ThredUp is a service where you can swap kids clothes.  You can look at listings by season, size and description.   They are shipped in […] Read more…

Deal of the Day (5.6.11) – Workout Package for $20

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Happy Homemaker Reviews).   I consolidated them to continue to simplify my life.   – Jen  (04.2012) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Time crunched?   Get a workout package from Training with Toni for $20! It includes an iPhone app, weekly customized fitness plan, updated weekly videos, calorie calculator, 24-hour message boards, recipes, […] Read more…

Top 10 April 2011

If you are new to my blog and haven’t yet poked around my archives, here are my top 10 posts from April.   There are some good ones in here! 1. Divine Mercy Novena 2011 – starts today! 2. Making Your Own Fabric-Covered Binder – No-Sew Version! 3. UBP 2011 (and New Series Announcement)! 4. {Closed} […] Read more…

Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  May is the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary.   We had such a lovely talk about Mary at my Mom’s Group yesterday.   God could have chosen for his son to come in any way he wanted.  And he chose to have him come through Mary.   And his first miracle was performed at the prompting […] Read more…

Deal of the Day (5.3.11) – Mackinaw Island Fudge – $15.00

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Happy Homemaker Reviews).   I consolidated them to continue to simplify my life.   – Jen  (04.2012) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Every mom needs a little chocolate, especially when we are about to lose it!   Today’s deal of the day is also a sanity saver. You can get $30 of Mackinaw […] Read more…

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