
During January & February, I will be hosting a Mother’s Rule of Life online book study.   I’ve had this book for exactly one year and I’ve been meaning to apply it the WHOLE time I’ve owned it.   I bought it while we had moved to Florida for a few months and I’ve read it no fewer than 5 times.   I just haven’t been able to get my ducks in a row and I thought some accountability might help.  So, I thought I would make my book study public and ask all of you to join me in getting my priorities in order and getting all the IMPORTANT things done as we start 2010!

Each Saturday, I will be publishing a post corresponding to a chapter (or two) of the book.  There will be a catch up week after the brunt of the “work” in February so that we can share our plans when we get to that point.  This post will be sticky (and updated) at the top of my blog until March so that you can join in even after we’ve started.

January 2 – I Reach the Breaking Point / A Rule of Life (Ch. 1 & 2)

January 9 – The First P: Prayer (Ch. 3)

January 16 – The Second P: Person (Ch. 4)

January 23 – The Third P: Partner (Ch.5)

January 30 – The Fourth P: Parent (Ch. 6)

February 6 – The Fifth P: Provider (Ch. 7)

February 13 – CATCH UP/BREAK

February 20 – Pulling Together Your Rule (Ch. 8 )

February 27 – Getting Determined / The Heart of a Mother’s Rule / Spirit of a Mother’s Rule (Ch. 9 & 10, Appendix)

You can purchase the book A Mother’s Rule of Life at Amazon.  The (optional) workbook is available at Holly Pierlot’s website, Mother’s Rule of




Looking for more great home management tips? Check out the current e-book bundle of the week!, 5 eBooks for $7.40!

37 Comments on “A Mother’s Rule of Life” Book Study Schedule

  1. Lauren@Baseballsandbows
    26 January 2010 at 8:23 PM (15 years ago)

    You are the winner of The Silent Governess at 5 Minutes for Books. Please email me your address, and I will have Bethany House send the book to you.



    .-= Lauren@Baseballsandbows´s last blog ..Profile Not Available =-.


  2. Michelle
    9 January 2010 at 1:26 PM (15 years ago)

    I just read this book a month ago and I’m so happy to have come across your blog. I’m going to follow along. I’ve just purchased the workbook!


    jen Reply:

    Glad to have you join us!


  3. Samantha
    29 December 2009 at 11:27 PM (15 years ago)

    Perfect timing! My old Familia group and I have decided to read this book as a book study starting in Jan. I’ve just finished it and I would love to put this into practice as well. I’ll be checking in on your posts!


  4. jen
    29 December 2009 at 5:11 PM (15 years ago)

    Great! I can’t wait to talk with you ladies about this book :). See you Saturday or next week sometime!


  5. shelley
    29 December 2009 at 11:55 AM (15 years ago)

    So, I’m on with the accountability. I’ve had the book for about 4 months and read it in chunks, wishing I’d just step it up and DO the book — not just READ it. I found your post this morning as I was googling for some practical “how I implemented A Mother’s Rule of Life” ideas. I am hoping for sample chore charts and maybe some pictures of what moms posted and used. Hmm… Think I’ll ask my friend, Mara, a friend to join us!


  6. Amanda
    29 December 2009 at 7:57 AM (15 years ago)

    I finally got around to ordering the book from Amazon last night. It should be here the first week of January sometime! 🙂


    jen Reply:

    yippee!!! i can’t wait to see you guys!


  7. Kim
    27 December 2009 at 8:53 PM (15 years ago)

    I have this book, also, and have been meaning to put it into action. Thanks for this kick in the pants to get a plan going. I will check back here in January.


    jen Reply:

    Thank you! I’m so glad i’m not the only one needing it! See you soon!


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