I am one of those people who are always trying to learn more things and do better at my job, whatever that may be. One of the areas that I struggle most with as a homemaker is cleaning & organizing. Since we got back from our Florida adventure a few years ago, I have been working on living more simply and have gotten rid of TONS of stuff. In such a big house, though, its hard to keep it empty! When I noticed that Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living was one of the books on the Booking It 2011 list, I had to read it.
Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider was a great addition to my the home management/maintenance section of my library. Tsh sets the tone with a discussion about what simplicity is and what being simple and intentional means to you. It was nice to have her acknowledge that what I consider simple might be different than what someone else calls simple. She covers having purpose statements and even reconsidering outside commitments.
Then comes the meat of the book–the 10-day plan. If you purchased her cleaning e-book a few years back, I understand that a lot of this 10-day plan was a part of that. If, though, like me, you regretted not buying it here is your chance to get a copy. She walks you through each room in the house cleaning, decluttering and getting things in order. While its a “10-day” plan she acknowledges that this very likely will be a work in progress. Tsh ends the book with cleaning & personal product recipes and forms for your household notebook.
I loved Organized Simplicity! I will be starting by revamping my household notebook and will be working on the 10-day plan over the fall. I like that the book is hardcover since I anticipate I will be putting it through its paces each year. I also like that its spiral bound so it will lay flat on whatever page I’m working from. I would recommend this book to anyone who would like to simplify or who simply needs help with spring cleaning each year.
Anyone want to run through the 10-day plan this fall with me?
This post is linked to Booking It @ Life As Mom.