Love ? I love love love you.
Image by @Doug88888 via Flickr

One of my resolutions for the year is to make my husband feel more like the hero he is. One way that I’m going to do that is to speak his love language. Well, both of them actually.

There are 5 love languages, according to Gary Chapman:

Acts of service (mine)
Gifts (mine)
Touch (hubby)
Words of affirmation (hubby)

Yeah, no similarities there. I’ve known his for years, but with two kids and much less quality time together, it’s more important than ever to make the moments we ARE together count.

This week’s Serve Your Spouse Saturday mission (if you haven’t already read it), is to go to the library and give Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman a quick read!

It’s an easy way to make him feel valued.

Do you use the love languages in your relationship?



Note:  I read the version written in 1992.  He came out with a new version in 2010.  I haven’t read it, but I imagine it would be just as useful!

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2 Comments on Serve Your Spouse Saturday #3 – Speak His Language

  1. Betsy Price
    28 January 2012 at 7:31 PM (13 years ago)

    How funny! I’m your husband and you’re my husband! 😉 You gift people can get expensive!


    jen Reply:

    LOL! I didn’t say it had to be an expensive gift :).


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