Month: May 2012

Spicy Chicken Empanadas {Guest Post}

I am so thrilled to be Guest Posting for Jen on The Happy Little Homemaker! Jen & I are pals, so I’ve been following her blog…well…forever. Girlfriend has been blogging since way before I ever imagined that I would ever create a blog of my own. HLH has provided much needed inspiration for me on […] Read more…

Beyond Hope’s Valley {Book Review}

I finally got the final installment of the Big Sky Trilogy, Beyond Hope’s Valley by Tricia Goyer a few weeks ago and it was driving me nuts that I didn’t have time to read it right away.  Argh!!   I hate that! At the end of the last book, Marianna had to decide whether she was […] Read more…

Memorial Day Party Decor

I love to decorate for the holidays and I’ve had my eye on several of these ideas! My favorite party decor? Free printables. Check out these beauties! Source: via Amanda on Pinterest These gorgeous candles from Martha Stewart might be gracing my table as well. Especially in red and white since Sunday is Pentecost, […] Read more…

As One Devil To Another {Book Review & Giveaway}

I am sorry to say that there were no winners for this giveaway.   There were only two people who entered and both disqualified themselves by not doing the entries. ~*~*~*~*~ I adore C.S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters.   It was one of the first books about faith that I had ever read.   I was mesmerized by […] Read more…

Storing Children’s Clothing

While we only have 2 little girls, we are most certainly open (and hoping!) for more.   Since we are not the recipients of hand-me-downs, we save all of our clothes in the hopes that we will be able to use them again.    Since Lil’ Bit is now 4 years old, we have FILLED her entire […] Read more…

Homemade Pina Coladas {Recipe}

I am allergic to alcohol. Well, not really.  BUT something about it makes me sick every time I try to drink it, the instant it hits my stomach :(.  I’ve tried every form — chick beer, beer, wine, liquor, mixed drinks — it doesn’t matter. It’s a real bummer because I feel silly going out […] Read more…

Cravings {Product Review}

I am the ultimate speed reader; the queen of skim.  It’s how I managed to read 54+ books last year with a baby.  I’m always in a hurry though, not just when I’m reading. When you have small children, though, hurrying makes for a grumpy family.  One way that I’ve been working on slowing down […] Read more…

Mother’s Day Monday Facebook Party @ Eternal Encouragement {Gabby Mom’s Review}

As part of the Gabby Mom’s program, I wanted to let you know about Lorrie’s second Facebook Party in honor of Mother’s Day! What:  Eternal  Encouragement Facebook Party! Who:   YOU! When:    Monday, May 14, 2012 Time:   3-5 PM EST Where:  on Facebook –   She was so tickled at how well the last Facebook […] Read more…

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