Month: May 2012

May 2012 Recap {May is Grill Month}

I’ve kind of fallen out of the habit of thanking my referrer’s and highlighting some oldies but goodies and I’m going to get back into it.   I know that I love it when others do it because I always find good information that I missed — besides, it helps me figure out what types of […] Read more…

Use It Up #8 {Mouthwash Edition}

So I’ve decided to bring back this little ditty that I started doing a few years back.  Instead of trying to start up a new linky, though, I’m just going to share tips and missions I’m setting for myself to do a better job at the old adage Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make […] Read more…


When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each […] Read more…

100 Things to Do In Summer

1. Spend the day at the beach 2. Have a picnic 3. Go to a museum 4. Go bowling 5. Make lemonade from lemons 6. Make ice cream 7. Ride a train 8. Ride a bus 9. Go for a bike ride 10. Go for a hike 11. Camp 12. Go on a nature walk […] Read more…

Grill Temperatures Cheat Sheet {Printable}

For Memorial Day, I’ve created a Grilling Cheat sheet with information on determining grill temperatures, meat temperatures and burger grilling tips. Click here to download the Grilling Cheat Sheet as a PDF! Enjoy!! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~ For more great grilling posts, check out the whole series!       This post is linked to DIY Accomplished @ […] Read more…

Memorial Day Grilling Menu

  Everyone loves a good cookout for Memorial Day — even in the great white north, where it’s usually pretty darn cold!   While we generally like anything that can be thrown on a grill, this is our favorite menu for grill-happy holidays!   Main Dish/Meat Best-Ever Hamburger Recipe Side Dishes Tuna Noodle Salad for Picky […] Read more…

12 Oft-Missed Cleaning Spots {Ultimate Blog Swap}

Today I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Swap. You’ll find me posting over at My Favorite Finds about A Trio of Summer Muffin Recipes and I’m super excited to welcome Amy Bayliss from Cajun Joie de Vivre  to Happy Little Homemaker! *~*~*~*~*~* I am a die-hard natural cleaning mama. With four boys and a Boxer who thinks […] Read more…

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