Month: June 2012

20 Minute Meals {Review}

So I haven’t really mentioned this yet, but I’ve started working for the family business again on a VERY small scale.  I aim for 6 hours a day, once a week.  Even though I work at home, on that day, however, I’m WORKING and not thinking about what I’m cooking for dinner — that’s not […] Read more…

Camping First-Aid Kit

I don’t know about you, but when I was shopping for my camper first-aid box, I bought a lot more stuff than I would normally have on hand at home.  I mean, first of all, camping is dirty. We are dirty.  And whatever they may be getting hurt on?  Yeah, it’s dirty, too. Our camping […] Read more…

Introduction to the Devout Life {Book Review}

I can’t believe I put off this book for nearly two years!  I’ve always wanted to read it, but I get very intimidated by spiritual classics.  I am a notorious skimmer & reading slowly is difficult for me. Over Easter, however, I had the opportunity to slow down and dig deep into the St. Francis […] Read more…

Pop-Up Camper Storage Hack {WFMW}

Pop-Up campers, if you’ve never had one, are kind of tricky.  Because they fold down so completely, everything you have in there must either collapse or fit in one of the few storage cubbies around your feet.   With our old camper, I just had tons of drawer towers for long term living, but I […] Read more…

Use It Up #10 {Cake Platter Edition}

MAKE IT DO! I’m still working on the mouthwash and hba challenges I’ve set for myself in the last month or so and this week, I’m sharing a make it do tip — my make-it-do cake platter. I used my largest plate and an 2.5 quart pyrex bowl upside down. Instant cake platter and I […] Read more…

Spring Reading Thing Conclusion

  So a few months ago, I decided to take on the Spring Reading Thing 2012 challenge.   I have to say, that I haven’t been reading NEARLY as much as used to.    I did make fairly good progress on my list, though I didn’t get to it all.  I think I might have added a few […] Read more…

Hello Summer $1000 Cash Giveaway!

And here we are again to give you a chance to win BIG BUCKS!!! Happy Home and Family, Diva Fabulosa and a group of amazing bloggers have teamed up to give 1 lucky winner a whopping $1000 paypal cash! Yep you read it right, $1000 cold hard cash! What would you do if you win […] Read more…

Mary Magdeline {Book Review}

I feel like I’ve read a bunch of dud’s lately and I was sorely disappointed to add Mary Magdalene by Diana Wallis Taylor to that list.  I really wish I could say otherwise because I LOVE biblical fiction and I’ve read other books by the author that I’ve enjoyed. Mary Magdalene is a fictional account […] Read more…

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