So I attended this great blogging class a few weeks back and realized that I really wanted to blog more about marriage. I mean, really? Seventeen posts about the second most important thing in your life? I have to confess that really, truly, we pretty much skate along.

I’ve figured out a way to kick it up a notch at home and thought that maybe some reminders would be helpful to you, too. To stay accountable, I’m bringing back this series that I attempted last summer and I’m renaming it Serve Your Spouse Saturday.

Every other week, I will provide a reminder to do something nice for your husband (or wife, I guess). Your goal (and mine!) is to do it before the next weekend. On the weeks I don’t provide a quick action item, I will share a longer article and/or resource.

That being said, this week, your goal is to have fun together! If you have a hobby that you enjoy together, make some time this week to do it. Bones and I like to play board games and if the kids go to bed early enough, we can play one while they are in bed. If you don’t have anything fun that you can enjoy with your spouse, find something! Try lots of different things until you find one that works for you!

What do you do with your spouse for fun?   (Let’s keep it G-rated folks, ‘K?)

Jen S.

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