I’m so excited to share with you another sponsor who is helping me get to #Allume12 — Eternal Encouragement Magazine & More.   If you’ve been around my blog this year, you have seen my Gabby Mom reviews of many of Lorrie’s different products.   They are all so very enlightening and honestly encouraging.   I feel like I have so much work to do in so many ways and I love her little shots of help.

I listen to MP3’s while putting away laundry or at the gym and read her PDF’s on my tablet.   She offers a quarterly magazine (in print or electronic format), bundles of resources on various topics, as well as the Encouraging Mom Super Shots — a monthly subscription service where she provides 4-5 resources you can’t get anywhere else.

In addition to Eternal Encouragement, Lorrie also has another blog, Randy’s Rib.  If you are looking for help and encouragement in being a better wife, mother, homemaker or homeschooler, go check out Eternal Encouragement where she helps provide help from a godly point of view.  I’m sure you will find useful resources there!

Jen S.



Disclaimer:   Enternal Encouragement has agreed to partially sponsor my trip to Allume in October.  I love them and have had a blast reviewing their resources and have purchased products as well.   It’s a small ministry and I would tell you about them even if they hadn’t sponsored me for the conference.

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