Month: August 2012

Catholic Christmas Countdown 2012 {August 2012} – Build a Christmas Planner & A Simpler Season Review

  In last month’s Catholic Christmas Countdown post, I suggested that you start thinking of what you were going to buy or make as Christmas gifts.  I even suggested that you start purchasing now, if you haven’t already. After you have your gift list, projects, supplies and other brainstorming done you need a place to […] Read more…

Lethal Legacy {Book Review}

 I love it when I find a mystery with intrigue, suspense and all the good things that go into a good suspense novel, without all the things that are so prevalent in mainstream novels.    And when it includes a little romance buy a REAL MAN?   Count me in! Previously, I had reviewed the first two […] Read more…

{CLOSED – Blogoversary 2012} Smart Sweets E-book Giveaway (or other KS e-book of your choice) — Ends 8/15/12

Last week, I had a fabulous time visiting family in my hometown and I also managed to spend a little time hanging out with Katie of Kitchen Stewardship.   We’ve known each other since Kindergarten and our birthday’s are a day apart.   Mine is today and always falls right during blogoversary week.   Katie was such […] Read more…

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