Month: August 2012

Woodrow for President {Book Review}

This year I have been struggling with wanting to teach my 4.5 year old daughter about the upcoming Presidential election.   She’s fairly quick to pick up on things but frankly, the subject is quite complex.   It’s hard to find a good  children’s book about elections.  I don’t want to bore her, nor do […] Read more…

5 Days of Favorite Cleaning Tools – Bathrooms

If you are just stopping by, this week I am participating in the 5 Days of Cleaning & Organizing with 21 other bloggers.  I’ve been talking about my favorite cleaning tools.   On Monday, I shared my favorite tools for cleaning carpet and Tuesday, I talked about cleaning hardwood floors.  I talked about my most hated […] Read more…

5 Days of Favorite Cleaning Tools – Dishes

I’m so excited to be participating in the 5 Days of Cleaning & Organizing series this week! There are 22 bloggers participating, sharing their tips for cleaning and organizing.   On Monday, I shared my favorite tools for cleaning carpet and yesterday, I talked about cleaning hardwood floors.   Today, I’m talking about my favorite […] Read more…

Artists & Authors {Gabby Mom Review}

Several months ago, I was lamenting that I couldn’t find anything I liked to teach my children about character in a proactive, sequential way.   When Lorrie said she was going to send us Artists and Authors this month, I was intrigued.  And then when it came in, I was surprised.  It’s much smaller than I […] Read more…

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