Month: September 2012

It’s Time to Get Serious {Get Healthy & Fit}

I have a habit of on again / off again diet and exercise plans.   Nothing fad, but I alternate having healthy habits and falling off of the wagon.  Recently, I’ve been feeling like I need to get moving again.  Add to that some prompting on Facebook, and I really felt compelled to get back on […] Read more…

Top 10 {August 2012}

    This summer, I’ve been so blessed with so many things that I haven’t had time to share them all with you!   If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you can find out all the fun ;).  I’d love to talk with you in either place–come join the conversation!   Thank you […] Read more…

Weekly Cleaning Routine

So I was going to talk about something else today, but then this really funny thing happened to me.   I have a weekly cleaning routine.  I do certain things each day of the week and if I miss it, I just wait until the next week.   Due to beautiful weather & family stuff, we were […] Read more…

Looking for Good Catholic Entertainment?

Are you looking for GOOD Catholic entertainment for your kids?   Something like VeggieTales but with a Catholic twist?   Look no further! Lumen Entertainment is working on some fabulous cartoons for children, but they need your help to finish production!    Check out the clip below to see the great quality of Skiff and AJ’s Fantastic Voyage. […] Read more…

Trust {Serve Your Spouse Saturday #14}

  Earlier this week, I was brainstorming different ideas for my 31 Days posts for this October.  Since October is going to be ridiculously busy (Allume, here I come!), I wanted to get my post ideas put together so I could schedule them this month.   Six ideas short of 31 days, I asked hubby for […] Read more…

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