Month: September 2012

Prayer Intentions {October 2012}

General Intention: New Evangelization. That the New Evangelization may progress in the oldest Christian countries. Missionary Intention: World Mission Day. That the celebration of World Mission Day may result in a renewed commitment to evangelization. Read more…

The Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors

Cleaning floors well takes time.  There is no way around it.   I actually timed it once.   You know how it broke down? 5 minutes – move chairs/stools/high chairs out, toys out, shoes & garbage outside 7 min – sweep floors 15 min – mop 3 min – put chairs/stools back Thirty minutes.  My kitchen & […] Read more…

Completely Forgot {Get Healthy & Fit}

  I have to say that I didn’t do fabulous last week, but I did eat a ton of salads.   I have been busy getting ready to go out of town and COMPLETELY forgot to check the scale this morning.  I could do it now, but it would be completely worthless and probably show a […] Read more…

Proverbs Prayers {Book Review}

I’ve been a on-again, off-again reader of the bible.  I have a tendency to just read the day’s liturgical readings rather than sitting down and reading it like a book.   I have a one-year catholic bible and occasionally I will sit down and read the Proverbs. Unfortunately, pulling my bible out with it’s delicate pages […] Read more…

Daily Cleaning Routine

I have been putting my homemaking (among other things) on project status.  I’ve been needing to get into a routine.   Both because it irritates hubby to walk into a dirty kitchen (the first part of the house he sees when he walks in the door) AND because it sets a poor example for my children […] Read more…

Ugh. {Get Healthy & Fit}

And that’s all I have to say about my healthier habit quest for this get healthy & fit Challenge. Well, not ALL I have to say I guess. The devil was ON ME all week. Not just this but super intense hormonal nonsense, too. I’m considering getting diet devotionals again–like First Place or something. You […] Read more…

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