Month: May 2013

What To Do With Your Raspberry Harvest

I love summer!   Not only do I like the warmer weather, but even the apples are pretty icky by this time of year.  I love making fresh fruit salad and having super fresh-seasonal produce.  First up (in summer, anyway) are raspberries.  Here are some of my favorite ways to use up the raspberry harvest! As […] Read more…

Summer Post Round Up

While I am busy getting ready for baby, I thought I would take advantage of this unofficial start of summer to share some of my favorite summer posts and tips. Holiday’s & Decor Pentecost & Memorial Day {@Catholic Mothers Online} Memorial Day Party Decor Four Tips for a Fabulous Fireworks Show (with packing list) Summer […] Read more…

Self-Service Food {Prepping for Baby}

One of the things that has been MOST helpful to me, was encouraging the independence of my daughter in feeding herself.   She started to want to do things like make her own sandwich at lunch or get her own water.    To help encourage this, I made a few changes to how our house is set […] Read more…

Summer Bucket List – with a Newborn!

Well, we may be expecting a baby any day now, but I still made a bucket list that we can do even with a new baby around. free slurpie day (7/11) go to the beach weekly park visit take a walk/bike ride play with chalk play with pinwheels play hopscotch wash the car watch the […] Read more…

Fostering Independence {Prepping For Baby}

This whole mothering thing is pretty funny.  To be good at it, you have to have things under control yourself.   It’s pretty hard to be a model of something you can’t, won’t or don’t do.    One thing we have managed to be pretty good at is fostering independence in our kids.   Once they are old […] Read more…

Sylvan-Dell Spring Science Books {Review} WidgetsLast Fall, I was lucky enough to review my first set of Sylvan-Dell science titles.   I reviewed each book individually in two separate posts.   This time I decided to do it a little differently.    For spring, Sylvan-Dell sent me the 7 new books they published (also seen in the widget above): Shark Baby […] Read more…

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