Month: June 2013

June Devotion – Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is set apart in a special way for devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When Jesus hung on the cross and they pierced his side with a lance, blood & water poured out for us. Today, the water symbolizes baptism & the blood symbolizes the Holy Eucharist. Both of them are the outpouring […] Read more…

The Kiddos & Labor {Prepping For Baby}

The first time around, I obviously didn’t give this a second thought. Last time, I barely did. No joke, I called my friend the night before I went into labor and said, “hey, before it gets too late, do you want to hang out with my daughter when I go into labor?” I gave her […] Read more…

Going Granola – A Wish List

  As you know, I’m helping promote the AWESOME Natural Mothering e-book bundle this week (the links in this post ARE affiliate links, as an FYI) and I thought I would share what I am most looking forward to using. A while ago, I shared what we do and what we don’t do as far […] Read more…

Busy Summer Baby Gear

*** This article originally appeared in the Summer 2012 issue of Traverse Bay Family Magazine.  It is reprinted with permission.  ***   While my youngest is more of a toddler than a baby at this point, it seems like only yesterday that we were carting a little 6 month old all over hill and dale […] Read more…

{ENDED} Natural Mothering e-book Bundle – on sale NOW through 6/17!

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support!!   I’m normally not a huge promoter of e-books or sales in general, but this is another one of those “too-good-to-miss” sales, that I had to share with you.  Just like the last ones, I’m buying the Natural Mothering Bundle myself, so I’m not telling […] Read more…

Novenas for the Church Year {Book Review}

Several months ago, The Catholic Company sent me a copy of Novenas for the Church Year to review.   At one point our parish priest was sharing upcoming novenas and had some of the major novenas as well, but I wanted to be able to plan ahead a little and pick some favorites so I […] Read more…

May 2013 Baby Boxes

Since I have pretty much everything I NEED for our new baby, I haven’t really done any shopping. On the flip side, I feel like every baby deserves a little something new…it’s just one of my things :). That being said, I decided to start (or restart) some of the monthly box programs that I […] Read more…

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