My older daughter adores puzzles. My youngest adored opening all the boxes and throwing the pieces everywhere. One day, I finally got smart.
I got rid of all the cheap boxes they came in and put them into ziplock baggies. If you have REALLY small kids, you might prefer the ones with the pull tab zip instead of the regular zip.
I also kept one side of the box as a guide to put the puzzle together and then labeled the back of each puzzle piece with a letter. The baggie, box side, and puzzle pieces all have the same letter on them.
This way, when my 2 year old dumps out every puzzle, we don’t have to put together all 12 puzzles to put them away.
In summary,
- cut out part of the box
- label the box picture
- label the puzzle pieces
- label the baggie
- put box picture and pieces in baggie
All the baggies of puzzles reside in a shoe box.
It has cut the time of puzzle clean up to at least a quarter of what it used to be. Works for me!
This post is linked to Works For Me Wednesday @ We Are THAT Family.
14 August 2013 at 5:08 PM (11 years ago)Funny I was just thinking about putting the puzzles in bags to conserve space on the shelves.
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