This one is one of the hardest for me because I hate for my kids to be sick and one of the risks of helping sick people is getting sick yourself. However, there are several things that kids can do, especially when people aren’t contagious.
Even small children can help people who are ill, even in small ways. Though this particular corporal work of mercy speaks to visiting the sick, I’m going to expand it a bit.
Visiting the Sick
Since the basis is to actually VISIT the sick, there are several times and ways where you can protect small children from disease while performing this act of mercy. When someone is infirm at home, for instance. When they are recovering from surgery, both at home & in the hospital. Or even when someone is chronically ill.
My favorite ministry right now is to help mom’s who have just had babies. While they are not technically sick, there is recovery time involved. This time is ideal for bringing meals, doing some housework, or even volunteering to be a mothers helper and entertain the other children.
Prayer for the Sick
We frequently say a decade or even a whole rosary for people we hear who are sick as a family. It can be as simple as a simple request for someone who isn’t feeling well, praying for someone about to undergo surgery or praying for the health & wellness of someone who is having a baby.
Acts of Kindness for the Ill
If your children are artistic, they could create artwork or cards for those who are sick. If they don’t know of anyone, they could package up their art for care facility residents.
If your child is old enough to cook, they could prepare soup or muffins for a family who has had a bug go through their house. If they are old enough to drive, they could pick up essentials for them.
What are some ways your children or family visits (or helps) the sick?