Month: November 2013

Dear Mr. Knightly {Book Review}

Wow. It’s been a long time since I’ve read contemporary (somewhat) literary fiction.  I was not disappointed.  Dear Mr. Knightly was well worth the read! Dear Mr. Knightly is written entirely in letters. As a part of her grant from a foundation, a bookworm is required to write letters to her benefactor. She has been […] Read more…

The Christmas Quilt {Book Review}

Disclaimer:  I received this book from a PR firm in exchange for an honest review.   For some reason I felt drawn to read The Christmas Quilt from the Quilts of Love series before Aloha Rose, then had to stop when I realized the other one needed to be posted first :).  As I mentioned […] Read more…

Baby Gifts That Go the Distance Widgets  Babies are notoriously hard to buy for! They outgrow things so quickly and you can never be sure what will be a hit. Here are some great toy ideas that will not only amuse a little baby, but will entertain them for at least a few years. 1. Stacking Cups Stacking cups are […] Read more…

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