
Can I be real with you? I don’t do it often, I know. I mean, I guess, I do, but never raw, ya know?

I’m struggling. When I was in high school I said I was never having kids. I have 3 so far. I suspect God will give us more. My poor children.

I am intolerant of incompetence. Children are inherently unable to be as competent as adults. Frankly, so are many adults.

I am unable to deal with interruptions when I’m trying to focus. Its why I suck as a waitress. Small children are inherently needy.

I would rather have my nose inserted in a book than doing anything else. Since birth. I’m not good at playing. Children like to play (luckily, mine love to read as well).

I love projects and ideas. In fact I have so. stinking. many. that I fail to prioritize and go whole hog on several. At once. To the detriment of all else in the house.

Recently, I’ve been reading Crystal Payne’s newest book Goodbye to Survival Mode, as part of her launch team. I devoured it. Now I’m going back to DO it & I’m rethinking my life. Because I’m struggling. Against myself, honestly.

I was struck with her trigger of what 25 years from now would look like. There are SO many things that are not contributing to what I want. And are a poor, poor substitute for the best things. It is no substitute for my life. The real one, away from the screens. The one I’m living, poorly.

In twenty five years, I want to be hiking & mountain biking and know all the plants & trees & wildflowers that I see. In 25 years, I want to be as in love with my husband as I was 15 years ago. In 25 years, I want my children to be happy with their choices; I want them to have wisdom beyond their years. I want to have a relationship with God that shines through everything I do, including my writing. I want to be healthy, helpful and full of life and wisdom.

Reading about what others want to write about, when I have no need for it, is a poor use of time. And no one expects it of me.  Except me!

Are you just muddling through? Clawing to get to the end of the day? Wondering “when will my life begin?” In the words of Rapunzel. Goodbye to Survival Mode might be just what you need. Right now, if you preorder it, she has $125 of bonuses for you. Let me just say that it’s worth it. Even if things are going well, an annual review is never a bad idea.  She even has a 7-day jump start right NOW.

Do you try to revisit your priorities on a regular basis?

Jen S.




2 Comments on Keepin’ It Real

  1. Kelly
    18 December 2013 at 5:52 AM (11 years ago)

    I love your quote “I was struck with her trigger of what 25 years from now would look like. There are SO many things that are not contributing to what I want. And are a poor, poor substitute for the best things. It is no substitute for my life. The real one, away from the screens. The one I’m living, poorly.” It really puts in perspective what we should be focusing on now and not wasting are time on! Nice post!


  2. Amanda
    11 December 2013 at 11:23 AM (11 years ago)

    It is hard isn’t it!? Some days I just look around me and shake my head, thinking: I have no idea what I am doing! How in the heck am I supposed to raise these little people to become competent big people? And have strong faith? And good manners? And to be kind to each other? I feel like I am still learning how to do these things besides working on all my faults. I just keep praying for Grace and try to trust that God knows what he is doing even if I don’t.


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