Month: March 2014

Pirates On A Farm {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links–thank you for your support. So you know we are huge Pirate fans around here, right? We have pirate costumes for every size & gender in the house (except Bones & I and its on the […] Read more…

It Had to Be You {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received this book from a PR company in exchange for an honest review. Ever read a book that didn’t have a clear purpose at first? My husband asked about this book I had been reading — It Had to Be You. And I took so long to answer he thought I didn’t hear […] Read more…

The Church {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion. Ever have one of those books that you just couldn’t get through? That happens to me whenever I have a Kindle book for review. I requested The Church last summer and finally finished it last week. The Church: Unlocking the Secrets […] Read more…

3 Spring Make-up Trends For Moms

So there are all sorts of colors going on in the fashion world for spring. But honestly, how often will you do your makeup? A few days a week? Weekends? Here are three low-investment ways to update your look. Go Orange! On your kisser. Freaking you out? No worries! First make sure you take care […] Read more…

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