Month: April 2014

No More Perfect Kids {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from a PR company in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links; thank you for your support! Pride goeth before a fall, right? I was reading a chapter by chapter summary of No More Perfect Kids on As We Walk Along the Road when […] Read more…

{Mostly} Dairy-Free French Toast Casserole

  Every time I have a baby, I have to go dairy-free.  Something about how I (don’t) process milk in MY digestive system, makes it so that it goes into my milk and my babies have issue with it, too.  Three babies later, I’m finally getting the hang of it.  Here is my (mostly) dairy-free […] Read more…

Grow as a Blogger with My Blog Plan {Review}

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this planner from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links; thanks for your support! I always have more to share than I have time to write. When the HEDUA was offering their pre-sale planner discount, I was having a really hard time waiting. […] Read more…

April Devotion – Blessed Sacrament

***This was originally posted in 2011. It has been edited for formating & with additional resources.*** Since Holy Thursday (the day when Christ instituted the Holy Eucharist) is usually in April, the church made April the month of the Blessed Sacrament.   Holy Thursday is also the day when Jesus asked his disciples, “Could you not […] Read more…

5 Days of Frugal Fitness Wrap-Up

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series 5 Days of Frugal Fitness

I had so much fun participating in the 5 Days of…Blog Hop with the Schoolhouse Review Crew last week. It got me all jazzed up for summer! We still had 35 degree days last week so I’m not holding my breath, but I’m excited to play outside with my family!   For my posts, I […] Read more…

5 Days of Frugal Fitness – Frugal Family Fitness

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series 5 Days of Frugal Fitness

Being frugal and fit as a family can be a big challenge! In the baby years, strollers & slings are extraordinarily useful. As the kids get older, bikes, balls and other sporting goods become priorities to promote active play. Here are some ways your whole family can be active together. Walking No equipment necessary, even […] Read more…

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