Month: May 2014

5 Pieces of Gear to Train For a 5k

So I am training for a 5k. Again. This is either the 3rd or 4th time I’ve done so. You see treadmills make me dizzy and I’m not one of those crazy running in snow types — especially last winter when it averaged 0 degrees. Did I mention it snowed *8 months* in the last […] Read more…

The Nesting Place

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links — thanks for you support!   Do you feather your nest? Are you a DIY queen? A bargain hunter? Or is it so overwhelming that you don’t even try? I like to decorate, but I never […] Read more…

Our Holy Father, the Pope {Book Review}

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.   This post contains affiliate links–thanks for your support!   So I have kind of a thing about Catholic children’s books, in that I really think we need more good ones that weren’t written 50+ years ago.  I have […] Read more…

Prepping for Baby – TBFM Edition!

***This article originally appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of Traverse Bay Family Magazine. It was reprinted with permission.***   We are neck-deep in preparations for baby #3 and I thought I would share my to-do list for when the baby comes. For New Moms If you haven’t had a baby before, there are a […] Read more…

A Summer Bucket List from A-Z

A few years ago I created a list of 100 things to do in summer. This year I decided to do it a little differently. Here are 26 prompts for things to do this summer with your family from A to Z. Art. Messy art. Take your little artists outside to paint or use glitter […] Read more…

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