Month: January 2015

Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 8 – Exercise Clothes}

This entry is part 13 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

The last Simplify Everything 2015 task in January is to sort through your exercise clothes. Now, if you exercise regularly, you’l know what your favorites are.  If you haven’t exercised in a while, try them on & see if they fit. If not, consider getting rid of them or removing them from prime real estate. Get […] Read more…

Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 6 – Junk Jewelry}

This entry is part 15 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

Today’s Simplify Everything 2015 task might be a tough one — Purge your junk jewelry. By junk jewelry, I mean the costume jewelry.   Things you buy on a whim, on clearance, or because it matched that dress perfectly (do you even still have that dress?).   I’m not talking about your sentimental or jewelry […] Read more…

4 Ways to Look Cute While Staying Warm

I swear it went from 50 degrees and fall straight to a foot of snow. I’ve lived in Northern Michigan my whole life and never had snow STAY in the first week of November. We are in for a long winter ladies. Another cold one, too, I’m betting. So how do you look cute AND […] Read more…

DIY Bundle for Crafty Types {and everyone else}

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.  Thanks for your support!   There aren’t enough hours in the day, right? With work, helping the kids with their homework (or homeschooling), cooking, cleaning (ugh!) and laundry, there’s very little time for the finer things in life.  You know, those things that bring YOU a little fulfillment after […] Read more…

Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 5 – Hair Accessories}

This entry is part 16 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

Today’s simplify everything 2015 task shouldn’t take long unless you are gifted with long, beautiful hair and love to style it.   Today, go through your hair accessories.   Get rid of the elastics you don’t like or ones that are so old they are no longer elastic.   Purge ratty old headbands and broken […] Read more…

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