Month: March 2015

It’s Not Too Late!

If you missed the Catholic Conference for Mom’s last weekend, it’s not too late! You can get the whole conference, plus 5 ebooks, discount codes and a discussion guide for only $39.99.   The Mysteries of the Rosary Printable from Arma Dei is worth $14 alone! Get these freebies and more just for purchasing this […] Read more…

Circle Time for Catholic Kids – Lent

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links — thanks for your support! We have been doing circle time quasi-consistently for almost two years and it’s a fabulous way to transition from play & work to school time. Right now, my kids are 7, 4 & 20 months and these are the resources we have been using […] Read more…

DIY Stations of the Cross Tokens

I scheduled our mid-winter break to happen during the first week of Lent and I found myself in a super crafty mood. I know! How often do you see craft stuff on here? Um, like twice a year, tops. Anyway, I started a set of Stations of the Cross eggs years ago. By start, I mean […] Read more…

Motivate Your Child {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links; thanks for your support. One of the biggest areas I struggle in is parenting. I never feel like I know what I’m doing. I’m impatient and lazy and once they start having their own will AND […] Read more…

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