Month: June 2015

Summer Book Basket

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links; thanks for your support!   It’s been awhile since I’ve shared our book basket selections. With the kids playing outside so much, our read-aloud time has dwindled. As it should! But it’s really my favorite way to reconnect with them so we do a “tea time” in mid-morning or […] Read more…

6 Simple Summer Systems

Everyone wants to be outside enjoying summer, but all play and no work makes for a huge mess. And a crazy mommy, too. The key to surviving the summer without being stuck indoors is to create a few simple summer systems. 1. Toy Lock Out As in, try a toy closet or put most of […] Read more…

CTC Math {Schoolhouse Review Crew}

I am a huge fan of low or no prep curriculum. I have a third grade, a k4 and a two year old. In the summer, life is good. All three will play in the backyard quite a lot and I can do a little work without being interrupted. During the 7-8 months of too […] Read more…

Heart’s Made Whole {Book Review}

I love historical fiction and I have lived on one of the Great Lakes my whole life. I am a “collector” of lighthouses and so when the opportunity to review Hearts Made Whole came up, I was pretty stoked. I mean several of my favorite things all wrapped up in one book? Yes please! Hearts […] Read more…

Saint Picture Book Club – June 2015 Pick

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.  Thanks for your support!   I love learning more about saints through the liturgical year.  I’m excited to share this month’s saint from the saint picture book club — St. Peter.   This month’s book is for the Feast day of St. Peter which is also a Solemnity of […] Read more…

WordBuildOnline {Schoolhouse Review Crew}

I am only one person. It’s really hard to be a teacher and a mother of three little people all at the same time. When the review crew offered the opportunity to test WordBuildOnline, an online vocabulary program from Dynamic Literacy, I jumped at it! Last school year, I dropped our vocabulary workbook because I […] Read more…

New Orleans in a Nutshell

A few years ago, our family was fortunate to be able to join my husband on a business trip to New Orleans. We were only there a short time and I spent much of our time alone with my (then) 4 & 2 year old daughters. Luckily, New Orleans was only one time zone away […] Read more…

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