I am the ultimate speed reader; the queen of skim.  It’s how I managed to read 54+ books last year with a baby.  I’m always in a hurry though, not just when I’m reading.

When you have small children, though, hurrying makes for a grumpy family.  One way that I’ve been working on slowing down has been to spend time with God every day.  Multiple times a day, even.  In addition to my normal devotions, I’m loving Cravings!

Cravings is a gift item that consists of cupcake with a deck of cards.  It’s made to hold the deck of bite sized devotions and has a photo holder like wire to hold that days dessert.  Meant to fill your Cravings for God during your busy life, it really works that way.

As the queen of quick, I read it several times throughout the day.  I find that I am most able to think about it while preparing a meal while the kiddos are otherwise occupied.  I was changing it daily until I was waylaid by one that I feel compelled to keep in the forefront; I’ve been working on that one for weeks!

I really like the idea and better than that, I love the practicality of having it displayed on the counter so that I can read it every time I’m in the kitchen (which feels like all the time!).  It pretty enough that I like it there and the devotions with actions are just my style.  This would make a great Mothers Day gift!


“When I became a mom I lost my God time,” says Carey Bailey. “I
couldn’t figure out how to fit it in, since everything but that time was a priority. So I made note cards that I set around my house with scriptures written on them. Even when my arms were too full of babies, laundry, and diapers to pick up a Bible, I could easily read God’s words of encouragement that I was starving for”

And Cravings–The Devotional was born. Celebrate with Carey by entering her Minute-for-Mom Giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:

  • $50 gift card to Erin Condren Shop (Your one-stop-shop for all things awesome!)
  • $50 gift card to Victoria’s Secret® (For something pretty.)
  • $25 gift card to Bath & Body Works® (For a little spa treatment.)
  • 2 Sets of Cravings – The Devotional (For you and a friend.)
  • Scentsy Plug In and 2 Bars (A lovely scent for your space.)

Hurry, the giveaway ends on 5/12/12. The winner will be announced 5/14/12 on Carey’s blog!

Just click one of the icons below to enter! Tell your friends about Carey’s giveaway on FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning.

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Jen S.

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Comments on Cravings {Product Review}

  1. Carey Bailey
    11 May 2012 at 1:06 AM (12 years ago)

    Thank you so much for your kindness in sharing! I am glad it is helpful for you.
    With Joy, Carey


  2. Bianca
    10 May 2012 at 1:31 PM (12 years ago)

    I often fine that I also push God to the back of my To-Do list 🙁 I’ve tried signing up for daily devo emails (since at my job I sit in front of a computer all day) but I have to admit sometimes the emails get so lengthy that I end up skimming them, or just deleting them all together. Having truth in little bite sized bits I could “chew” on all day sounds like something I should try; thanks for the tip!
    Bianca´s last blog post ..quick tortilla soup with avocado and lime


  3. Casey @cswFitYoga
    10 May 2012 at 12:39 PM (12 years ago)

    Hello from the linky party at SITS girl. Cute blog!


  4. mari
    10 May 2012 at 11:56 AM (12 years ago)

    Hi popping in from SITS Spring Fling week 🙂


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