Use it Up #2

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting! Not such a great week for me here as far as conservation gos… Use It Up– Still struggling […] Read more…

Read-Aloud Thursday/Reading My Library

First up, a sequel to another book I looked at, It’s the Bear by Jez Alborough. We found this as  a board book at the library.  It has the same rhyming text and beautiful pictures.  I think it’d be more impressive as a paperback book, but it’s a very cute story about the bear & […] Read more…

New Graphics!

Did you notice my new header?  No longer are there revolving default graphics, but I managed to put my header in there all. by. my. self.  Whoopie!  Big thanks to Sharon @ Good True & Beautiful for making this as part of her 30 Day Giving Challenge. I had some help with my Mother’s Rule […] Read more…

Make Your Own Prayer Book

In connection with my Mother’s Rule of Life book study, I created my own prayer book.  I had several books and frankly, I don’t have the time to look for each book to say the prayer(s), I want to say.   I also like the idea of having ONE book that is flexible and can be […] Read more…

Month of the Holy Name of Jesus – January

I realize that this is a little later than I normally post this, but I finally found a GOOD resource for sharing this information. January is traditionally devoted to the Holy Name of Jesus, reminding us of the power of his name. Consider adding some of these traditional prayers to your routine for January. The […] Read more…

Have you heard about yet?

I found about this new program called through one of my Mystery Shopper organizations (they own it).   In exchange for telling people about the products they send you, you get free samples. The first product I got was One-A-Day VitaCraves.  You can go here to find out more about VitaCraves & get a coupon […] Read more…

MROL Book Study – Week 2

Welcome to the second week of the Mother’s Rule of Life book study!  If you missed last week, you can find that post here. This week, we will be reading chapter 3 – The First P:  Prayer.   This is always the hardest one for me.   I always feel that I should be doing more.  I […] Read more…

Book Review: 2010- A Book of Grace-Filled Days

2010: A Book of Grace Filled Days, by Alice Camille is a great resource for quick reflections on the readings for every day of the year.  It started with the beginning of the liturgical year (Advent), and continues on through the end of 2010.   It’s a very compact little book, about 4x4x1 that should easily […] Read more…

Use It Up #1

USE IT UP – Last month, I decided to not get a new Christmas tree even though I want one.  It’s old.  It’s fiber optic (I’d like something a little more traditional at this point).  The branches don’t hold ornaments that are heavy.  At all.  Not only did I decide not to get a new […] Read more…

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