Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 16 – Teacher Supplies}

This entry is part 4 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

Hello & welcome to Happy Little Homemaker! I’m so glad that you stopped by! I would love for you to subscribe to my RSS Feed. You can also find me on Pinterest and Twitter. Thanks for visiting!Today is the day for you to go through your office supplies. We’ve done the kids school supplies and […] Read more…

Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 15 – Art Supplies}

This entry is part 5 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

Today’s task is to thin out the art supplies. If you have a creator or an artist, you probably have a plethora of paints, brushes, boxes, pencils, crayons, stickers, pastels and more.  Go through your art drawer and get rid of anything mostly used, damaged or non-functional (like those watercolors that don’t actually color). If […] Read more…

Simplify Everything 2015 {Task 14 – School Supplies}

This entry is part 6 of 21 in the series Simplify Everything 2015

By this time of the school year, it’s a good time to purge those school supplies. Do you have a bunch of broken crayons?  Make new crayons from them!  Only have orange markers in the bin?  Maybe it’s time to get a new box. Out of something already?  Make a note for next year.  On […] Read more…

The Crimson Cord {Book Review}

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links; thank you for your support.   In our homeschool history, we are pretty firmly entrenched in ancient history. History dork that I am, I have always loved historical fiction, but I been loving biblical fiction because […] Read more…

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