Chronicles of Narnia

Reading to Know is hosting a Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge.   I’ve been meaning to read them again after the new version of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe came out a few years ago (which I still haven’t seen).   I started them as a child (middle-school, maybe) and just couldn’t get into […] Read more…

7 Quick Takes #14

1. We have spent soooooo much money this month. I’m afraid to add it up. We’ve just lowered the price on the house & spent a few hundred on curb appeal. And I bought Lil’ Bit a bunch of summer clothes on clearance in the next size up. And stocked up on Diapers. And bought […] Read more…

My First Bike

One of my FAVORITE websites, 5 Minutes for Mom, is giving away a Strider Running Bike selected from people who write a blog post about your first bike.    Go here for more information and to enter! I still remember my first bike.   I was a pink Schwinn with a white banana seat with little yellow […] Read more…


This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 Every Saturday, we make pizza from scratch.    I even make my own dough, but even if you aren’t that gung-ho, making your own pizza is definitely more fun than ordering […] Read more…

AFM – What do I do with 2 POUNDS of key limes?

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 What does one do when they get a two pound bag of key limes (which, if you’ve never seen one, are the size of a bouncy ball that you get […] Read more…

Pardon the Dust

Please excuse the dust.   Over the next few (hopefully) days, I am moving all my various blogs & blog posts one one central location — here.    Trying to simplify things a bit.   Thanks for understanding! Read more…

Philippians 3:14 Friday #3

I realize that June is nearly half over but better late than never right? My June goals: Habits to form 1. Reduce waste 2. Ubiquitous Capture 3. No-S Diet Projects 1. Finish purge of house. 2. Get ready for yard sale sometime in July. 3. Create curb appeal! Be mindful of… – too much shopping/errands […] Read more…

Coupon Craziness – Wags Edition

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 I didn’t take pics because I didn’t plan on blogging my trips until I got a Fab diaper deal at K-Mart this week. Trip #1 – 4 Dove Candy Bars […] Read more…

AFM – Cordon Bleu Casserole

This was originally posted on another blog of mine (Simplicity —  Small & Cheap).   I consolidated all blogs to simplify my life.   – Jen 6/19/09 I had this on my menu plan to use Chicken leftover from Tuesday but I never cooked that and had a bunch of turkey in the freezer that I wanted […] Read more…

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